
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

SweetHeart GLAM | contest | oregon lifestyle photographer, kellie trenkle

you know, four captivating SweetHeart GLAM sessions isn't very many, kinda exclusive -- see previous post for the 411 -- so here's an added bonus: i'll give away $50 in print credit for a future 2010 session to the person who writes the most creative SENTENCE with SweetHearts candies.

  • write your sentence in SweetHeart candies.
  • it can be funny, cute, romantical.
  • BUT! it has to be written as if it's to me.
  • as if it was from my husband.
  • right before he asked me to marry him. (just pretend!)
  • be clever!
  • take a snapshot of your sentence. (make it a convo, if you'd like.)


  • email or text the picture to me with your name (and social security number).
  • post your pic to facebook, asking peeps to vote for your prose on my blog.
  • but you have to tag me in the photo {Kellie Michelle Trenkle} and copy/paste my blog address {http://www.vividly-captivating.blogspot.com/} as your caption for a chance to WIN!
  • i'll post the images to my blog, contest-style, complete with one of those fancy polling doo-dads and then those of you captivating peeps out there will choose the winnah!


  • deadline is 2/10.
  • winner announced on valentines day!!!
  • $50 in print credit and, eh, why not, 2 movie tickets, can be YOURS!!!
  • and don't worry, i was totally kidding about the SS#. just send me your mother's maiden name.


  1. I'm in like Flynn. Or something like that. Great contest Kell! Great portrait of the wee one, too!

  2. So, yeah. There were no conversation hearts at Michael's, Safeway or another grocer. And then I read the directions and I was all, "oh, wait. What type of conversation would Brian and Kellie have?" DOH.


thanks for stopping by! i'd love to read your thoughts!