
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas-Glam | *UPDATE* | oregon lifestyle photographer, kellie trenkle

hellllllllllllo to my Christmas-Glam families!

here is the SCOOP: i am so glad one of my families contacted me tonight -- i realized i needed to alert the troops!

even with the power delay last week, my lab was able to ship them to me FederalExpress Express. (i love them and want to marry them, quite often. my lab, not FedEx. although i do have a friend who fell madly in love with a FedEx driver and married him. they are a really neat couple... but that's a whole other story.)
anyway, i tracked the package like a trained navy seal sniper dude and when i called monday, the package was on the FedEx Express truck for delivery by 7:30pm ON MONDAY. i was doing a JIG.

but apparently the package was not "due" to me (according to FedEx) until the 15th (yesterday), so the driver didn't make it a priority. (i was ummmmmm... NOT doing a JIG. as IF! Christmas-Glam should totally have been his first delivery of the day.)

at 8pm monday night i called 800-GO-FEDEX when the online tracking info changed and they connected me to the local Roseburg facility. i authoritatively had them hold the package so i wouldn't have to wait until 4:30pm to receive the photo-goodness within.

so on tuesday, i was able to pick the pkg up from the facility @ 2 o'clock! my trusty & faithful assistant and i packaged them yesterday afternoon, burned the rest of the discs for the clients who ordered them (in the late afternoon) and got them out in the mail tuesday night!

pheeew! i'm out of breath just telling you about it. whirlwind! (and not my only one this week!!!)

what's neat is that even though Goin' Postal closes @ 6pm in Green, the owner let me in their doors after hours! i paid those first class USPS shipping charges & appreciated her flexibility with an ear-to-ear smile!

now here's the deal... she may have made the labels that night... or she may have made them the next morning, but i'll tell you what... it was a good feeling to leave them there to be delivered! i can say with confidence that the good people at Goin' Postal sent them out into the world first thing this morning!
so, my Christmas-Glam troops, forgive me for the tardiness of my update!

i'm trying to wrap up all sorts of things, there's a flurry of activity & i didn't come up for air to THINK about letting you all know! so... now you do!


P.S. here's a little gorgeousness. this beauty is a 2010 senior and her mama ordered this collage as a gift for the g-parents. what do you think???

Friday, December 11, 2009

last chance! | 2009 | oregon lifestyle photographer, kellie trenkle

i cannot believe it's the 11th of december! 2 weeks until seeing the joy of my trenkletoes on christmas morning! woo-hoo!

i do have some things to wrap up before i get there, though. including image collections for the last of my november bookings! rest assured you will have your galleries up next week sometime! if you have questions about your session, send me an email!

also wanted to let you know that 2009 has been a fabulous year for captivating. it's been a phenomonally fruitful experience and i am excited to have had such a great year of portfolio-building!

if you have been meaning to order professional prints or enlargements, now is the time! this is the last week to take advantage of my 2009 introductory/portfolio-building pricing. this is also the last opportunity to receive your order before christmas eve!

  • email your order to me with your image#'s before sunday night @ midnight

  • i'll send you a paypal invoice and once payment is received, your order will be uploaded!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas-Glam | *PLEASER* | oregon lifestyle photographer, kellie trenkle

well, this afternoon, i input a couple orders. i spilled my homemade eggnog latte on the table. i ate blueberry almond pudding. i taught bryson how to put the little dots on the numbers to help him quickly complete number sentences. and, as usual, i chased the kids around, "encouraging" them to put their toys away.

my oldest, bryson, is totally into K'nex right now. i love the intensity of his focus and his determination to build according to the instructions. he's my boy who's most like his dad -- drawn to precision and order. he's been quite the engineer around here lately.


as diligent as he is about putting his toys and crafts and schoolwork away, i'm finding random teeny pieces here and there and EVERYWHERE. today, i found a green one about 0.5" long and hollered for him, "bryson! hey, buddy, here's another K'nex! choking hazarrrrrrd!"

he came out, i opened my hand.

he looked at me and he said, "that's not a K'nex, mom. it's a K'neck."


apparently 1 lone piece is pronounced differently.

reminds me of my daughter's sweet way of talking about laundry and her wardrobe. yesterday she asked me for help... "i need help putting my clothes away, mom. i could do it if it was just one 'clo,' but you could help me?"

1 'clo.'

i LOVE that she says that. (yes, rea, there's a li'l piece of you inside my girl!)

so, as my children were getting their P's and Q's and phonetic X's & CK's straightened out just for me today, i was wrapping up my Christmas-Glam orders, making sure my P's & Q's would be in order for my captivating families this next week!

i had a little bit of a snaffu yesterday with the 7-hour marathon power outage. i had originally hoped to have the order in by tuesday. but life with my trenkletoes tribe was a "titch" crazy and i had to find time to sleep at some point. so the plan was to click "SEND" to the order that just needed a couple things added first thing after breakfast yesterday. but the power. there was no power. so it set me back several hours and then some.


the orders have been placed. i've begged my friends at my lab to play favorites and show utter and total partiality toward my oregon families, so we'll see how that goes. i expect the shipment to arrive tuesday instead of my perfect-world-plan of monday, december 14. wednesday at the latest.

but YAY! orders have beeeeeeeen uploaded. hoorah!

here's some Christmas-Glam, captivating style...

and, Roseburg, captivating and Celebration Street is giving 20% more than the estimated gift because of your support! thank you for partnering with us to bring a little bit of cheer to CASA this Christmas! hey, if knowing we blessed some families together doesn't warm you up, this little guy just might melt your heart...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas-Glam | *TEASER* | oregon lifestyle photographer, kellie trenkle

well, first of all, today's Christmas for CASA was a blast! however, i couldn't have pulled off such a fun & fruitful event without my faithful team -- THANK YOU, GIRLIES -- for all the elbow grease! i have some seriously awesome friends.

who buys 70-lb bags of sand to anchor a backdrop stand? krystal. and not just 1, either! and guess who carries them up and then down the 2 sets of stairs? yeah. krystal AND rachael. i actually asked if she'd be willing to find me some dirtbags. and i'll tell you what, when you ask krystal for a favor, she delivers and delivers BIG. she also knows when to pray. today she was all about inviting Jesus into the meanest wrapping paper debacle on this side of the mississippi.

and rachael was my right hand girl today -- "can you grab this, can you grab that..." blessed is what i am. did you even know that rachael carries a swiss army knife? yeah! i needed scissors, a knife, a drill and a new sink installed today... rachael carried all the necessary tools for the job, in her ever-loving purse. THANK YOU, GIRLIES!!! you bring me joy, my whole team does, for that matter! even the ones who couldn't make it -- thanks, kris for handling 911 document issues with such finesse!

and... thank you, Babe, for being my covering as i stepped out for CASA & put on the ritz for some captivating families today. it's incredible how much i love you!

second of all, i will be spending this weekend processing today's images so i can put the orders in ASAP!

third of all, thank you to all of the folks who came out today to support Casa de Belen -- i'm so excited to have partnered with Celebration Street to bring them a little bit of cheer. we did it together!

fourth of all (is that even a phrase, really?), ahhhhem, FOURTH of all... my feet are super tired! i wore real shoes, like high heel boots. all day. click-clack, clickity-clack. and would you believe my sweet girl, kennady, pampered me with a foot squeeze massage when i finally collapsed on the couch? that was right around the time NEBRASKA was beating TEXAS tonight in the Big12 Championship and right before i dozed for an hour in the midst of all the typical trenkle tornado madness that occurs right about bedtime. and when i woke up i was covered in candy cane remains thanks to the baby (who found the loot leftover from our refreshments) and NEBRASKA was losing. 1 second on the clock, that's all i can say. hey, next year. but our BOISE STATE BRONCOS... undefeated, baby! woo-hoo!

fifth of all (hey, i can invent new phraseology, i'm on a roll here), on friday night, my children and i tested the christmas set lighting -- can't wait to process their pics. karsyn was not thrilled to say the least. you'll see. bryson, however, was the best EVER... he even decided he LOVED the hot pink tie mommy "asked" him to wear. kennady worked the camera (how does she know how to pose and you won't believe the shoes i found for her, i... no, you'll just have to wait to see them). kev? kev was more interested in CHOWING DOWN karsyn's lollipop than making eye contact with the camera. (the way he eats hard candy & animal crackers [at sunday school in particular], would lead an untrained person to believe that he is being STARVED to death by his parents.) and yes, if you're wondering, i bribe reward my children for "modeling" for me. (vanilla milkshakes all around last night.)

so, in the meantime, please enjoy sweet missAnna for a little ChristmasGLAM preview. more goodness to come! and i do mean GOOD-ness. ***also, if you are waiting for your image collection or a sneaky peek -- rest assured, i am working hard to wrap everything up this week! if you have questions, send me an email -- it's the best way to reach me.***

and hey! LAST of all, i'd love to know some of your favorite ways to spend family time with your kids in december. how do you make christmas meaningful for your kids?

2 things i'm looking forward to doing with my babes this week: reading max lucado's An Angel's Story and surprising them next weekend with a trip to the Live Nativity hosted by the Church on the Rise -- it's called JOURNEY THROUGH CHRISTMAS! we missed it last year and i'm counting down the days!

love to you and your families! it's christmas! it really is...
