
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas-Glam | *PLEASER* | oregon lifestyle photographer, kellie trenkle

well, this afternoon, i input a couple orders. i spilled my homemade eggnog latte on the table. i ate blueberry almond pudding. i taught bryson how to put the little dots on the numbers to help him quickly complete number sentences. and, as usual, i chased the kids around, "encouraging" them to put their toys away.

my oldest, bryson, is totally into K'nex right now. i love the intensity of his focus and his determination to build according to the instructions. he's my boy who's most like his dad -- drawn to precision and order. he's been quite the engineer around here lately.


as diligent as he is about putting his toys and crafts and schoolwork away, i'm finding random teeny pieces here and there and EVERYWHERE. today, i found a green one about 0.5" long and hollered for him, "bryson! hey, buddy, here's another K'nex! choking hazarrrrrrd!"

he came out, i opened my hand.

he looked at me and he said, "that's not a K'nex, mom. it's a K'neck."


apparently 1 lone piece is pronounced differently.

reminds me of my daughter's sweet way of talking about laundry and her wardrobe. yesterday she asked me for help... "i need help putting my clothes away, mom. i could do it if it was just one 'clo,' but you could help me?"

1 'clo.'

i LOVE that she says that. (yes, rea, there's a li'l piece of you inside my girl!)

so, as my children were getting their P's and Q's and phonetic X's & CK's straightened out just for me today, i was wrapping up my Christmas-Glam orders, making sure my P's & Q's would be in order for my captivating families this next week!

i had a little bit of a snaffu yesterday with the 7-hour marathon power outage. i had originally hoped to have the order in by tuesday. but life with my trenkletoes tribe was a "titch" crazy and i had to find time to sleep at some point. so the plan was to click "SEND" to the order that just needed a couple things added first thing after breakfast yesterday. but the power. there was no power. so it set me back several hours and then some.


the orders have been placed. i've begged my friends at my lab to play favorites and show utter and total partiality toward my oregon families, so we'll see how that goes. i expect the shipment to arrive tuesday instead of my perfect-world-plan of monday, december 14. wednesday at the latest.

but YAY! orders have beeeeeeeen uploaded. hoorah!

here's some Christmas-Glam, captivating style...

and, Roseburg, captivating and Celebration Street is giving 20% more than the estimated gift because of your support! thank you for partnering with us to bring a little bit of cheer to CASA this Christmas! hey, if knowing we blessed some families together doesn't warm you up, this little guy just might melt your heart...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Kellie - Alexis's picture is beautiful!!! I can't wait to share them with my family... they will GASP!!

    -Wendy Lanier


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